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Hatch Bend Baptist Church
Loving God. Loving People. Making Disciples.
3029 SE CR 500, Branford, FL, 32008; 386-935-0943
"What Does Jesus Want At Christmas?:
Worshippers"; Luke 2:8-20
December 6, 2020
"God, Government and Me: My Role in Government and Politics"
August 30, 2020
"God, Government and Me; Week 3 - Freedom of Speech" 9/6/20
"God, Government and Me; Week 4 - Religious Freedom" 9/13/20
"God, Government and Me;
The Abortion Debate" 9/27/20
Mark Minck; Human Life Protection Amendment 10/4/2020
For more sermon videos from HBBC's preaching ministry you can visit this page.
Links to some favorite sermons from HBBC's preaching ministry:
"Redeem the Time"
"Understanding the Will of God"
"The Spirit Life" - AM
"The Spirit Life"- PM
"God's Blueprint for Marriage"
"The High Calling of a Wife"
"The High Calling of a Husband"
"Breaking the Rules"
"Avoiding a Crop Failure"
"Keys to Successful Soul-Winning"
"Then Jesus Showed Up"
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