Hatch Bend Baptist Church
Loving God. Loving People. Making Disciples.
3029 SE CR 500, Branford, FL, 32008; 386-935-0943
Here is a brief snapshot of who we are and what we are about. To get a better idea of who we are, we encourage you to visit us.
The word of God and prayer are cornerstones to our ministry. In fact, ministry would never happen without prayer and preaching. we believe that the Word of God is God's divine revelation to us regarding all areas of life. It is perfect and without error. We also believe prayer is essential in the life of a believer, so we have special times of prayer during the week to help meet the needs of people through the grace of God.
Special Emphasis Days
We like to take advantage of special emphasis days like Mother's Day, Father's Day and Memorial Day to celebrate people and thier unique callings in life. Through these days we encourage church fellowship as well as time with family.
Sunday school
Our Sunday mornings are better through Sunday School. After serving breakfast, we go to age graded classes to best fit the needs of people. From children to Sr. Adults, we desire to help the discipleship process in every age group.
Children & Youth
Through Sunday School, or Sunday afternoon
youth meetings, Sunday evening children's
activities and VBS, we want to raise up the next generation to know and serve Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Mission opportunities do not just exist just in the deep dark jungles of a remote country. Mission opportunites exist anywhere there are hurting and lost people. HBBC is involed in local, national and international mission work. Whether it is our next door neighbor, serving in disaster relief, preaching in fishing villiages in Zimbabwe or helping a local mission in Guyana, we don't ask if God sending us somewhere, but where God is sending us.
Community service
We are looking for more opportunites to
minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to our
neighbors and community. We serve in several ways from giving food to those in need, to helping with shut-ins, making hospital visits, and serving a free community meal in November.